This song comes across quite like a collection of random patterns over a house beat. There is no real progression, and the melodies are a bit boring and very inconsistent with the rest of the notes being played, which to me, makes it feel quite arbitrary. As if rather than utilising atonality as a technique, it was just a collection of random notes thrown together that dont strictly clash, but certainly don't compliment eachother either. It might be a good idea to broaden your horizons musically, and look in to composition and tonality, so as to avoid making stuff that just follows pre-existing blueprints for vague, generic, four to the floor electro. The mixing isn't bad, if a little bit sterile, but again the sounds don't really compliment each other particularly, they just coexist and it sounds like it was mixed by going through a checklist of things you needed to do, rather than because it was necessary. Almost like the first draft, default mix you get back from an engineer after a session before you start shaping it into what you really want.